Thursday, September 22, 2011

Laundry Soap

I went to do a load of laundry today that had some fabric in it that needed washed before I can sew it up, got all the clothes in the washer and then it hit me... I am out of laundry detergent. I have known this for over a week but in my busy life I just forgot to make more. I am trying to save money, use less, waste less and be more self sufficient. Well all the ingredients are bought from a store but I still save tons of money and I am happy to make stuff myself. There are probably hundreds of recipes for homemade laundry soap on the net so I will add one more. This will be my second batch and I love it. I was using soap nuts for a while, they cleaned my jeans and 5 fingers (shoes) but my shirts just never came clean enough so I went to making my own, 95% of my shirts come clean now (apparently I am kinda hard on my shirts and I get them really dirty). So what I do is take my ingredients:I use one bar of fels-naptha soap
1 cup Borax 20 Mule Team
1 cup Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
1 cup Oxiclean (its whats in the measuring cup)

Shred or grate the bar of soapmix everything in a big bowland wah-lah your done. Really it IS that easy. I use less than 1 tablespoon per load (HE front-load machine) and have not had any problems so far.

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