Saturday, August 27, 2011

Warrior Dash!!

Oh how time flies when your having fun. Last weekend I ran the Warrior Dash in Copper Mountain, Colorado. I ran it in just under 44 minutes, which to me was pretty amazing considering for the last few weeks I had only had time to run once. I had grand plans of running every other day (or even every day) when I signed up back in March but life just didn't agree with those plans. I do hope to run the race again next year and hopefully with more time and more training going into it I will be able to do it in under 40 minutes. Depending on how the winter goes this year I may even decide to run the Tough Mudder race that is at Beaver Creek Ski Area here in Colorado. Who knows, but I know for sure if I get the chance to do the Warrior Dash again I will be there! No pictures of me at finish line but here is one of Aleric and I before the race, and then one of Aleric with my helmet on.

Monday, August 1, 2011

It's about the journey, not just the destination

I have been trying for sometime now to live life by this rule, right now I am having one Hell of a journey. Last week I lost my job, its not the end of the world, but I'm sad about it, afraid of the unknown future, and mostly scared shitless that I won't be able to get another one. But in the end I think it was the best thing for my family, we will get through it and we will be ok in the end. I have been sewing more. I am making a quilt to put for sale on and will have another one in the making right after this. I have been riding horses with my friend Cassie, although today that was also a train wreck because both her and her daughter got thrown off in a fluke accident. She is in the ER right now getting looked at. Luckily on only my 3rd ride and 1st one out of the arena I stayed on my horse and safely dismounted when I needed to. Then I come home from that and my doorknob doesn't work and I can't open the door and find out apparently our cistern is letting mud in somewhere and now we have to get it clean..... like today.... or better yet right now. Life, its about the journey and I love it because I feel that I am married to my soul mate, have the best kid ever, and yet some days just really suck.

(Any typos or errors I am sorry for in advance, this is my first post from my phone)